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’Respect interdict, allow healthcare workers to save lives’

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 08:13 Tue, 14 Mar 2023

’Respect interdict, allow healthcare workers to save lives’ | News Article
FILE PHOTO: Tshehla Koteli

The Department of Health has reiterated that the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) must respect the court interdict and allow health professionals to save lives.

In an update on the nationwide Nehawu strike in the Free State, the provincial spokesperson for Health, Mondli Mvambi, said the department is encouraged by the bravery and determination of some nurses for helping out during the strike. 

This follows after it was reported that shop stewards at the Pelonomi Tertiary Hospital in Bloemfontein were recruiting nurses on duty to join the strike and to picket. “Health workers and health professionals should be granted their constitutional rights to choose to be at work, to save lives, to give care, food and dignity to patients and for people to access health care without hindrance.”

ALSO READ: Nehawu protests settling down, personnel nowhere to be seen

Mvambi added some nurses, household aides, kitchen staff and security officers have consistently braved the situation to help patients in the ICU, neo-natal high care, maternity, trauma, and casualty units with doctors providing consistent care to patients. 

He explained Pelonomi has been the target throughout. Other health services around the Free State have not reported disruptions yet. The department continues to keep a close eye on the situation. 

At the Universitas Academic Hospital in Bloemfontein, the situation is calm with minimal absenteeism, which cannot be attributed to the strike. On Monday 13 March, the department was updated about opportunistic acts of disruption at Universitas Referrals and Maternity. 

“The strikers allegedly trashed the ward and tried to force working staff members out but this failed as soon as security personnel were activated,” stated Mvambi.

ALSO READ: Nehawu vows to intensify protests

He further explained at the Mofumahadi Manapo Mopeli Hospital in Qwaqwa there have been no strikers at the gate and most employees returned to work. 

At Fezi Ngubentombi in Sasolburg, there were reports of picketing gaining momentum. Officials and patients are, however, being granted access to the facility. 

The situation is calm at the Medical Depot with no strike activities reported. Officials are at work. 

At the National District Hospital in Bloemfontein, the hospital is adequately staffed and without strike disruptions. Striking workers have peacefully gathered at the gate, singing. 

At the Bongani Regional Hospital in Welkom, the services are running smooth as normal. The department affected is the theatre, because of multiple absences explained to be sick leave. Managers are putting mitigating measures in place for business continuity and patient care.

ALSO READ: Nehawu strike interdicted

Back to the court interdiction, the Department of Health has since welcomed the judgment that interdicts, with immediate effect, the strike action by Nehawu members and employees who are employed in an essential service. “We believe this judgment will bring some form of stability in health facilities across the country,” the statement read on Monday. According to the union, the strike was also driven by the “continuous implementation of austerity measures and the aggressive attack on collective bargaining by the government”. The workers are demanding a 10% salary increase, while the government has offered 4.7%. 

Last week, Health Minister, Dr Joe Phaahla, confirmed that preliminary figures show that four people are believed to have lost their lives “in a manner that could directly be attributed to the strike”.

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