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Almost two billion to be spent on Free State roads

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 11:02 Thu, 02 Mar 2023

Almost two billion to be spent on Free State roads | News Article

At least R1.9 billion will be spent restoring the Free State's roads to their former glory.

The announcement was made by the new-in-office Provincial Premier, Mxolisi Dukwana, while delivering his first-ever State of the Province Address (Sopa). He stated that the deteriorating state of the roads is a stumbling block for the province’s economic development. Although almost R2 billion will be spent on upgrading and maintaining the roads, he says it is imperative that the way and means by which road service delivery happens, be changed. “International best practices have shown that road construction can happen in a more efficient and effective manner, therefore, the provincial government will be exploring the implementation of solutions such as 24-hour road construction,” said Dukwana.

ALSO READ: Millions spent on Free State roads

Dukwana further stated that attention must be given to expedite the maintenance and construction backlog of the roads that form the backbone of the logistics industry and support economic activity such as the roads in the Ficksburg and Bothaville areas. Work in the two areas has commenced with an allocation of R1 billion for the prioritisation of the Ladybrand – Bethlehem R26 road and the Ficksburg - Rosendal R70 road. He emphasised having to find innovative ways to shorten the time-frames, find resourcing solutions and improve the efficiency of service delivery. “Our investment in roads infrastructure in the next financial year will comprise of R771 million in Thabo Mofutsanyana, R220 million in Fezile Dabi, R217 million in Xhariep, R165 million in Mangaung, and R125 million in Lejweleputswa.

ALSO READ: Free State 'road of death' to be fixed for R22 million

At least R22 million has previously been allocated to the notorious R30 road near Allanridge, which has claimed 15 lives in less than three months this year. The spokesperson to the Provincial Department of Community Safety, Roads and Transport, formerly known as Police, Roads and Transport, Hillary Mophethe, said the project, to repair and prevent flooding in areas on the R30 road near Nyakallong and north of Allanridge towards Bothaville, is estimated to be completed by 15 March 2023. The tender was awarded to Matela Civils and Construction, which has a standing record with the department. Construction will include lifting and tarring the road, building an open earth drain, installing storm water pipes, reinstating road markings and signage, and installing road studs and guardrails.

ALSO READ: Operation Vala Zonke on track in the Free State

The nationwide Operation Vala Zonke, aimed at repairing potholes in South Africa, has seen 40 149 potholes repaired in the province. Mophethe at the time stated that from the day of the launch of the programme in August 2022, a total of 14 052 square meter has been completed.  “The department is committed to repairing two million potholes by the end of March 2023,” she explained. As far as the issue of the deadline they have set is concerned, Mophethe says despite the financial challenges the department is faced with, the work to close to two million potholes will continue for the period committed.

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