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Allegations of unfair appointments at hospital in Northern Cape

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 08:48 Fri, 10 Feb 2023

Allegations of unfair appointments at hospital in Northern Cape | News Article
The Abraham Esau Hospital in Calvinia. PHOTO: Facebook

Allegations have surfaced about unfair appointments of cleaners at the Abraham Esau Hospital in Calvinia in the Northern Cape. 

It is alleged that nine people, who have previously worked at the hospital for between ten and eighteen years – were not appointed into permanent positions due to what they believe is their political affiliation with a different party from the ruling party.

The Democratic Alliance’s Isak Fritz says that the individuals in question had applied for the positions in July 2022. "Having been placed on the shortlist and having undergone interviews, all nine of the experienced cleaners were replaced by interns, who had worked as administrative officers," alleged Fritz.

He states that those who were appointed have no cleaning experience but are believed to be politically connected.

ALSO READ: Northern Cape Health opens clinic in Heuningvlei

He explains that the nine cleaners had to wait for over six months to learn their fate. "From cleaners to doctors, the health system needs to ensure that it appoints fit-for-purpose workers with the necessary experience and dedication to help save the provincial health system from further collapse. This should be done transparently and fairly, devoid of any kind of personal or political favouritism." 

The Department of Health in the Northern Cape has been asked for comment.

The department has recently opened a clinic in the small town of Heuningvlei as part of its effort to improve healthcare services across the province. The MEC for Health, Maruping Lekwene, said at the opening in December that the R35,6 million clinic came as a relief to the community of Heuningvlei, as they often had to travel over 100km to have access to better healthcare services.

Lekwena added that two more clinics were under construction and would be open before the end of the current financial year.

"The broader strategy is to open community healthcare centres in local municipalities, which will serve as referral points from community healthcare centres to hospitals."

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