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Free State school principal to be suspended

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 15:17 Thu, 09 Feb 2023

Free State school principal to be suspended | News Article
PHOTO: Facebook

The Free State Department of Education has been requested to intervene following an allegation of maladministration at the Fauresmith-based Tshwaraganang Primary School.

Requests for a forensic audit were submitted by members of the School Governing Body (SGB) at the school. 

The former chairperson of the SGB Tshidiso Motswari said the investigation report allegedly revealed that the principal at Tshwaraganang Primary made a number of payments to service providers without supporting documents. As a result, the SGB requested she refrains from making EFT payments because it's irregular and unprocedural to recommend and approve a transaction by herself.

The report further reveals that between 24 January 2018 to 9 November 2018, a number of EFT payments to the school principal and the school clerk were made with no consent or approval from the SGB. The school clerk received about R14 730 while the principal received about R26 750. 

Other alleged suspicious transactions revealed are subsequent purchases made at stores such as Makro, Game, Kloppers, OVK and Dulux stores without any supporting documents. Purchases amounting to R8 840 were also made at the Fauresmith Vleismark with no substantial reasons from the accounting officer between 7 September 2018 and 19 October 2018. Motswari told OFM News that parents also use cash to pay for uniforms. However, no evidence or deposit slips have been provided.

He added that after the SGB was satisfied with the evidence at its disposal, it decided to charge the principal and clerk with misconduct, possible fraud, maladministration, irregular/unauthorised expenditure and wasteful expenditure and report the matter to the Free State MEC of Education. 

Motswari further revealed that the principal of Tshwareganang Primary ditched three SGB meetings since August 2018 and instead locked the venues of the meetings at school. A treasurer that was appointed at the school was allegedly also unprocedural and removed from the bank notifications.

"Prior to our elections as the incoming SGB, parents reported similar irregularities to the school and the district, the outcome of such investigations was never reported to parents, including the current SGB. We believe that the Xhariep District officials have failed the parents of Tshwaraganang by not holding the accounting officer accountable as required by law or taking remedial actions to stop the unlawful financial activities at the school. The behaviour of the accounting officer and the clerk gives the impression that they are enjoying some unlawful protection from being held accountable by the department, in particular the district office," said Motshwari.

The SGB has since called for the suspension of the principal and the clerk of the school. They have further requested the department to conduct a full forensic investigation into the school affairs, cancel transactions with the unknown uniform service provider, cancel the EFT payment system to avoid irregular expenditure, and investigate relations between the principal, school clerk, and the sewing service provider.

OFM News has since sent questions to the department and is awating a response.

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