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N8 closed as Petrusburg protest continues - VIDEOS, PHOTOS

───   BAMBATHA GIKO 13:01 Wed, 01 Feb 2023

N8 closed as Petrusburg protest continues - VIDEOS, PHOTOS | News Article
PHOTO: Supplied

Residents of the Letsemeng Municipality in Petrusburg, Free State, have once more taken to the streets to protest against poor service delivery.

Motorists from Bloemfontein and Petrusburg cannot travel via the N8 as the road has been closed. Protesters have barricaded the road with burning tyres and rocks. 

An eyewitness reported that police have closed off the road at the Immigrant turn-off on the N8 between Kimberley and Bloemfontein.

DA councillor, Thabo Nthapo, says the community of Letsemeng has been experiencing service delivery issues for a number of years. Despite numerous attempts to engage with the ruling party in order to resolve the municipal issues, the ANC councillor of ward 6, Mokgobo Molusi, has been reluctant to respond to the DA councillors' and community members' pleas.

ALSO READ: Letsemeng's struggle with service delivery continues

Previously, angry Letsemeng residents gathered on the N8 outside Petrusburg and closed the roads, protesting about the municipality's reluctance to attend to service delivery issues.

ALSO READ: Petrusburg brought to a standstill - PHOTOS, VIDEO

Petrusburg resident Ben Seekoei said they have been protesting since Monday, asking the mayor to approach them so that the issue of service delivery can be resolved. However, the mayor has refused to show up. He said community members decided to march to the municipal office and close it down, in order to get the mayor's attention.

He added that instead of addressing the people, the mayor sent the police who allegedly forcefully dispersed crowds by shooting rubber bullets.

OFM News/Bambatha Giko

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