Central SA
Petrusburg brought to a standstill - PHOTOS, VIDEO─── KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 13:49 Mon, 30 Jan 2023

Angered residents of the troubled Letsemeng Local Municipality in Petrusburg earlier Monday morning barricaded roads with rocks, broken glass bottles, and burning tyres.
Free State police spokesperson Marting Xuma said about 50 angry community residents gathered on the N8 just outside Petrusburg and closed the roads with burning tyres. It's alleged that residents were complaining about service delivery issues.
Xuma added that the situation is now calm and police are on the scene to monitor any developments. He said the Mayor of Letsemeng is expected to address the crowd this afternoon.
Motorists have been advised to decrease speed upon approaching the Petrusburg area on the N8 road. Police are busy clearing the N8 highway.