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Education applauded for swift response after school's petrol bombing

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 09:10 Thu, 12 Jan 2023

Education applauded for swift response after school's petrol bombing | News Article
PHOTO: Twitter

ActionSA in the Free State has applauded the Department of Education for its swift response following a visit to the petrol-bombed Gonyane Primary School in Bloemfontein.

Free State MEC for Education, Tate Makgoe, handed out stationery worth R400 000 to learners of the Gonyane Primary School on the first day of schooling, during his visit to monitor the reopening of schools.

ActionSA Provincial Chairperson, Patricia Kopane, welcomed the swift response by the Department of Education (DBE), especially in ensuring that the stationery was replaced in time to ensure effective teaching and learning. She says the torching of schools undermines the right to basic education for thousands of children negatively affected by these acts of arson.

Kopane also commended the community for working with the police to ensure speedy arrests of the five suspects, which are alleged to be foreign nationals. Police received information from a community member who learned about the burglary and fire at the school and knew of possible suspects who live in Phahameng. 

Five suspects, including two foreign store managers, were arrested.

ALSO READ: Suspects arrested for theft and damaging school property in Free State

Meanwhile, Kopane says that illegal immigration is placing unsustainable strain on the country’s already limited resources.

“Streamlined and legitimate immigration processes, improved border security, and principled foreign policy can have a significant positive impact on South Africa’s immigration crisis that should not be affecting our schooling,” she concluded.

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