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Kimberley residents' taps run dry

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 07:28 Sun, 18 Dec 2022

Kimberley residents' taps run dry | News Article

Residents of Kimberley in the Northern Cape still have no water supply as the municipality battles to restore water to the affected areas.

According to the Kimberley-based Sol Plaatje Local Municipality, it had experienced a malfunction at one of its valves, which then led to the flooding of the pumps and motors on the abstraction side.

The municipal spokesperson, Thoko Riet, says efforts to try and fix the issues have been stifled by the rising water levels in the Vaal River at Riverton, making access to the pump station difficult.  

Riet says the municipality has since appointed a service provider to help distribute water to residents across different points.

Thoko adds that water points for distribution to residents include Roodepan police station, Diamond Park vlak and Greenpoint four-way at the vlak, old police station in Galeshewe and Phutanang soccer field, among others.

"As a municipality, we are currently experiencing water purification problems in Riverton. 

"While removing a faulty pump and a motor, we had a malfunction on one of the valves. This led to the flooding of the pumps and motors on the abstraction side. 

"Unfortunately for us to get the pumps back in operation, the motors and cables would need to be removed and tested at the workshop for possible water ingress."

Riet explains that the municipality is doing all it can to supply water with the resources they have.

"The water supply distribution is as follows, but the flatbeds will still continue roaming amongst the different wards:

  • Water supply points are available at Hancor Dairy;
  • Water supply is being arranged for the Pick n Pay circle in Galeshewe;
  • Roodepan police station;
  • Motswako four-way;
  • Diamond Park and Greenpoint four-way at the vlak;
  • Old police station in Galeshewe;
  • Odion in Homevale Extension;
  • 8 Phutanang soccer field;
  • 2000 hall;
  • Soul City vlak;
  • St Paul’s Road in Colville; and
  • Lerato Park between the CRU flats.

For those that can, Newton Reservoir also has a point where water is supplied.

"Please bear with us, this is an emergency that none of us expected. The rising water levels in the Vaal River, at Riverton, make access to the pump station difficult.

"The service provider is working around the clock to get them ready for installation as soon as practically possible," Thoko further adds. 

The municipality has since apologised and pleaded for patience and understanding from affected residents.

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