Central SA
ANC supporters protesting against IPC in Welkom - VIDEO─── LUCKY NKUYANE 15:19 Thu, 08 Dec 2022

A large contingent of disgruntled ANC supporters is protesting outside the municipal offices of the Welkom-based Matjhabeng Local Municipality against the party’s upper structure Interim Provincial Committee (IPC).
They accuse the ANC’s IPC and its convener, Mxolisi Dukwana, of endorsing irregularities, including the alleged rigging of the conference that was allegedly overlooked ahead of the Lejweleputswa 9th elective regional conference weeks ago. According to ANC branch chairperson, Raleting Motati, in ward 8 in the Matjhabeng subregion of Lejweleputswa, Dukwana had given his word that the Lejweleputswa conference would not take place in the mist' of these allegations.
He says today the IPC brought heavily armed private security personnel. He said they wanted the IPC to address branches on various issues raised by the aggrieved branches. Motati added the conference did not even meet a decorum or threshold to be held, given the number of branches which lodged complaints and abstained from the conference.
“Today they are sitting here, endorsing that bogus conference as the IPC, because they are the majority in numbers and also preparing for a provincial conference where 57 branches out of 211 lodged disputes that have not been resolved. “You can’t go to any conference without resolving disputes, that's what your guidelines are saying,” he added.
Earlier ANC members disrupted another IPC meeting in Mangaung. In a video which has been shared widely on social media, people wearing ANC regalia are heard telling Dukwana that he is the problem within the Free State ANC. Though it is not understood what the source of the anger was towards him, many of them are criticising his style of leadership. Dukwana has previously been labelled as President Cyril Ramaphosa's ally.
“We are arguing that 27 out of 54 branches which qualify to be part of the regional conference did not participate because there was no verification report from the Secretary-General (SG) office and as a result, the conference should be nullified.
“The IPC convener, Cde Mxolisi Dukwana, on record agreed with us in a 5 aside meeting we had after asking for his intervention, that the proceedings were unconstitutional and he will allow us to be heard in the conference venue. That never happened and to our surprise, the ANC national chairperson came to bless the bogus conference to advance their factional agenda as the organisation knows him. The IPC is convening their meeting to endorse the irregularities of the Lejweleputswa and Mangaung conferences instead of dealing with the dispute of Lejweleputswa and resolving the situation in Mangaung.
“The IPC meeting held at the Matjhabeng Local Municipality buildings on Thursday is [guarded by] heavily armed private security that doesn't allow us to access to engage the leadership of the ANC. We want Cde Dukwana to come and address us on the issue of the verification report because a reliable source within the IPC has indicated that the meeting is preparing for the ANC provincial conference sometime this weekend, without the final verification report,” Motati further adds.