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Residents kill Pit Bull that mauled child to death

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 06:00 Mon, 21 Nov 2022

Residents kill Pit Bull that mauled child to death | News Article

Angry residents of Phomolong in Hennenman have killed one of the two Pit Bulls that mauled to death the three-year-old Keketso Saule on Sunday 20 November 2022. 

Police spokesperson Stephen Thakeng says the community attacked the dogs and one of them was beaten to death and set alight. The other pit bull has been taken by the SPCA for safekeeping.

The owner of the dogs is in protective custody after being rescued by the police from angry community members.

The 3-year-old Keketso Saule was killed by two Pit Bulls at Sekoti Mpate, Phomolong, in Hennenman on Sunday.  This follows the death of another Free State child, the 8-year-old Olebogeng Mosime from Bloemfontein, who was killed by a neighbour's Pit Bull at his home in Vista Park.

ALSO READ: BREAKING NEWS: Another child attacked and killed by a Pit Bull in the Free State

Free State police spokesperson Stephen Thakeng says the owner of the two Pit Bulls will be investigated by police. This after stating that an inquest has been registered and there will be an additional charge under the Animal Matters Amendment Act, which addresses human injuries caused by animals. 

"A thorough investigation will be conducted regarding the circumstances that led to the two Pit Bulls killing the boy," he said.

ALSO READ: Calls to ban pit bulls gain momentum in Free State

During the funeral of Olebogeng,  the Deputy Mayor of Mangaung, Mapaseka Nkoane-Mothibi, lashed out at irresponsible dog owners and said Pit Bulls should be burned. 

She further revealed that strict measures lie ahead for pet owners in the Mangaung municipality as the metro moves to implement certain municipal bylaws for dog owners. 

ALSO READ: 'No one will own a dog without a licence from January 2023'

Nkoane-Mothibi further said that as of January 2023, the city will require dog owners to have a licence and also have some form of training to be the owners of any type of dog.

ALSO READ: Pit bulls surrendered in Bloem

Over 40 Pit Bulls have since been taken to the SPCA in Bloemfontein. This follows after Olebogeng's death sparked a national debate.

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