Central SA
Free State Education troubled by Bethlehem shutdown─── KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 10:05 Wed, 26 Oct 2022

The Department of Education in the Free State raised concerns over the current shutdown that is taking place in Bethlehem.
Residents of Bohlokong in Bethlehem took to the streets on Wednesday morning to express their frustrations over the issue of foreign nationals who allegedly sell drugs to their children.
The Free State police spokesperson said at least 10 protesters have been arrested after roads were barricaded with stones and burning tyres. Ndaba expressed his concerns over the impact the current protest will have on teaching and learning in the area, especially since the matric learners are writing exams.
“At least today in Bethlehem there is no exam that is written. Remember, today we are writing IT, but I said today that there is no school in that area that is offering IT as a subject, so there is no matric learner who is writing today. Yes it has disrupted schooling and is a big concern to us, we are also appealing to the leaders in the community also to give space to education in the area,” said Ndaba.
ALSO READ: Arrests made during Bethlehem shutdown
Ndaba further said the department will make some contingency plans for matric learners in the area if the protest continues. While Mophiring said that the police would continue to monitor the situation in the area.