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Investigation confirms Matlosana water contaminated

───   05:54 Fri, 14 Oct 2022

Investigation confirms Matlosana water contaminated | News Article

After weeks of brownish water with what appeared to be small worms in the townships of Kanana, Khuma and Jouberton in the Matlosana municipal district in North West, an investigation confirmed that the water had been contaminated.

Last week, OFM News reported on the alleged water contamination, with the municipality promising to take up the matter with their water supplier, Midvaal Water.

The municipal spokesperson, Ntswaki Makhetha, confirmed that after an investigation, the outcome has revealed that the microbiological quality of water in the Vaal River has demonstrated severe spike concentrations of caliform bacteria, and that has placed pressure on the disinfection process of the treatment plant.

Residents are encouraged to boil water before using it while Midvaal Water is said to have increased the chlorine doses to disinfect the water.

Makhetha says the municipality, together with Midvaal Water, has appointed a team of experts to work tirelessly to improve the quality of water in Matlosana.

OFM News / Joba Matsheng

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