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#JagersfonteinDisaster: Residents rope in 'big-time' lawyers

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 15:47 Thu, 15 Sep 2022

#JagersfonteinDisaster: Residents rope in 'big-time' lawyers | News Article
PHOTO: Supplied

Frustrated residents of Jagersfontein in the Kopanong Local Municipality in the Free State, who have been left homeless or destitute, have discussed intentions with so-called big-time Bloemfontein lawyers to sue the JDP following the disaster.

Lefa Shale community leader tells OFM News that on Thursday 14 September 2022 some of the residents met with several lawyers to discuss and map the way forward in suing the mine in question.

ALSO READ: Houses, cars swept away by strong stream of water in Free State town | WATCH

He says they have, however, not agreed on the amount or completely taken a decision to make an application in court yet, as some of the affected residents are still housed in shelters following the tragedy that claimed one life and left scores injured and one missing. Shale says once all residents meet under one roof, a decision with these lawyers will then be taken on how to forge ahead with laying a claim against the mine.

“We, as the community, expect something from the mine but nothing was ever given to the community and Jagersfontein is as you see it. This community is (angry) to the extent that they wanted to meet with the manager of the mine. Unfortunately, we never met or saw them since this disaster took place. We are really disappointed and angry but don’t know what will happen going forward because now we don’t even have electricity, we don’t have anything,” he says.

Kopanong Local Municipality spokesperson, Solomzi Phama, told OFM News they can confirm, without fear or favour, that there was negligence which led to the disaster. Phama said negligence was something that has been raised by the mayor, Xolani Tseletsele, even before he ascended to the position of mayor.

"The mine has been operating but they were not mining because they were only processing. The holding dam cracked in the early hours on Sunday, at 02:00, and then subsequently from 04:00 to 06:00 it burst. Negligence plays a pivotal role that I can confirm. It is a matter that the mayor has been raising since 2012," Phama added

ALSO READ: #JagersfonteinDisaster: Alleged negligence led to collapse of dam – WATCH

Shale previously told OFM News that for years the Jagersfontein mine neglected its mandatory community development programme and that residents were left to struggle whilst the mine thrived. Shale alleges that some politicians with a particular interest in the operation of the mine, have aided the mine to thrive whilst residents were left to live in squalor conditions.

ALSO READ: #JagersfonteinDisaster: 'For years we've never benefited' - community leader

Over 200 people have been affected and have since been taken to Fauresmith, a few kilometres from Jagersfontein. The mine has, however, availed R20 million to help and assist affected residents. According to the mine spokesperson, Leigh Ann Carey, R20 million has been made available with immediate effect. "It is cooperating with the law enforcement authorities and will offer every assistance to the community while undertaking a full investigation. We have confirmation that the waste water is not hazardous. Jagersfontein Development remains committed to the well-being of the community and will lead clean-up operations," Carey added.

ALSO READ: Millions made available to #JagersfonteinDisaster victims

On Monday, whilst visiting the area for oversight purposes, President Cyril Ramaphosa promised to help residents of Jagersfontein, who were left homeless or destitute, to rebuild their lives.

Whilst addressing residents at the Fauresmith Hall on Monday 12 September 2022, Ramaphosa said different provincial departments, including Cooperative Governance (Cogta) and Social Development, will work with the National Government to address the plight of over 200 affected residents.

ALSO READ: Ramaphosa promises #JagersfonteinDisaster victims assistance – WATCH

Different humanitarian organisations, including South Africa’s Gift of the Givers and an international aid, the Red Cross, also lend help to aid those in need. Ramaphosa also thanked them for their help. OFM News has sent an inquiry to the mine's management regarding the community’s claims.

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