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UFS team still going strong in Sasol Solar Challenge

───   17:51 Wed, 14 Sep 2022

UFS team still going strong in Sasol Solar Challenge | News Article
PHOTO: UFS Facebook

Six days into the Sasol Solar challenge and the debut team, Team Lengau from the University of the Free State (UFS), is still going strong and are making their way for Jeffreys Bay in the Eastern Cape.

According to the Team Lengau manager, Dr Hendrik van Heerden, they are surprised to have made it this far into the race and are aiming to surpass 500km.

ALSO READ: Solar teams en route to Graaff-Reinet

“Most first teams do about 300/350km, so we’re already surpassing expectations for a debut team at this stage. So, all’s going well,” Van Heerden says.

Despite the challenges on the road, seven of the eight teams are currently approaching their finish line in Jeffreys Bay.

The North West University’s solar team also reported having quite a smooth race as weather conditions were favourable.

According to Wynand Grobler, the spokesperson for the NWU solar team, they had minor problems to work out and had a change to their loop route. However, the challenge is going excellent.

Meanwhile, the Tshwane University of Technology’s solar team says they’re doing well, despite the difficulties experienced during the Full Blind Stage on Day 5.

The blind stage is when information related to the route is withheld until the night before teams take to the road, forcing them to strategise last minute.

The former champions of the 2018, 2016 and 2014 solar challenges, the Brunel Solar Team, is currently neck-and-neck with the Belgium team, Agoria Solar Team.

According to Lukas Frantzen, the spokesperson of the Brunel Solar Team, they are currently battling for first place against the Belgium team. Should the Belgium team manage to drive one loop more than them, they will have first place.

OFM News/Bambatha Giko

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