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#OperationPhetisa: 462 new vehicles delivered for quality services

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 12:47 Wed, 17 Aug 2022

#OperationPhetisa: 462 new vehicles delivered for quality services | News Article
PHOTO: Tshehla Koteli

The dual launch of the Free State Provincial Government’s Operation Phetisa and the South African Police Services’ (SAPS)’s Operation Phetisa Molao saw over 400 new vehicles delivered to improve quality services in the Free State.

Present at the launch was the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, and the Free State Premier, Sisi Ntombela. Cele says the handover of more than 100 police vehicles for the police stations in the province is the beginning of solving the complaints many residents and police officers have had. He also touched on the issue of gender-based violence (GBV) in the country.

ALSO READ: #OperationPhethisa: Free State police stations to get new fleet

According to the report compiled by his office, about 10 000 women have been raped in the first quarter of the financial year in South Africa, and it just happens that 50% of the women were raped in their households. “Half of the women being raped in their own homes mean that this horrendous crime was committed by husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, and uncles,” he adds. From the statistics, he believes it is time to speak to men to protect women and change their behavior. He also touched base on the issue of shortages of police officials in the country and assured that by mid-December, around 10 000 newly trained police officials from the police academy will be deployed in the country. The Free State will also get its fair share of these soon-to-be appointed police officials.

ALSO READ: #OperationPhetisa: Millions spent on Free State fleet

During his address at Bobbiespark in Bloemfontein, he stated "the Hawks must arrest anyone who has played a role in maladministration, irrespective of their social standing. It is these types of thieves that [indirectly] create service delivery challenges such as potholes”. He cautioned and assured SAPS members, who have turned themselves into employees of criminal networks, that he will do everything in his power to make sure they (the corrupt members of the SAPS) exchange their blue uniforms for the orange ones.

The department of Police, Roads and Transport received 99 vehicles, including bulldozers, machinery to fix potholes, and police vehicles. While handing over other vehicles, Ntombela warned the departments’ officials who plan to misuse the new fleet. “Abuse of these vehicles will not be tolerated and any official caught using them for any other reason than what they have been procured for, will be dealt with following the necessary internal disciplinary processes of government."

To close off the ceremony, accompanied by different MECs in the province, she asked the various drivers to do a mini-car show-off so that the public can witness what has been done. The Department of Education received 25 vans to assist with Matric Examination purposes; the Department of Social Development received 192 vehicles, including vehicles for transporting the disabled; the Department of Health received the most, namely 194 vehicles, including ambulances, mobile clinics, primary healthcare vehicles, and state-of-the-art disaster buses; the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development received 6 tractors; and the Office of the Premier received 16 vehicles to address a wide range of service delivery issues. The department of Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism & Environmental Affairs (Destea) received 13 vehicles; the department of Public Works and Infrastructure received 6 vehicles; Treasury received 1 vehicle; the Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation received 2 vehicles; and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) received 9 vehicles.

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