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Investigations into Matjhabeng sewer death continue

───   11:23 Wed, 17 Aug 2022

Investigations into Matjhabeng sewer death continue | News Article

Investigations continued following the recovery of an elderly woman’s body from a manhole.

Matjhabeng Municipality workers were inspecting manholes at the time of the incident.

The deceased’s mobile phone and shoes were placed close to the hole.

Eyewitness Makasane Mosunkutu was with the team of engineers who were inspections in the area.

Upon witnessing the women being swept along by the current, Mosunkutu and his team rushed to shut off water flow, as it was too risky for them to enter the sewer.

The incident happened Monday afternoon.

A team of engineers had to drain off the water so that police divers could gain access to the sewer - unfortunately it was already too late and the victim was declared dead at the scene.

The family of the deceased meanwhile says if the municipality's workers and police had reacted quicker, their family member’s life could have been saved.

Local councillor - Ratsie Moopela - who visited the scene, says going on eyewitness accounts it could have been a suicide.

Moopela adds they cannot make any conclusions until the police have concluded their investigation.

OFM News/Ike Mosia

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