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#OperationPhetisa: Millions spent on Free State fleet

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 06:37 Tue, 16 Aug 2022

#OperationPhetisa: Millions spent on Free State fleet | News Article

Over R200 million has been spent on more than 300 vehicles for different provincial departments under the Free State Provincial Government.

The Spokesperson to the provincial premier, Palesa Chubisi, explains that all ten departments - including the Office of the Premier - will receive its own fleet from the 300 vehicles. 

The handover of the fleet to departments forms part of the provincial government’s launch of Operation Phethisa, which will be led by the provincial premier, Sisi Ntombela.

ALSO READ: Operation Thoso to bring changes to Free State

It is at the moment unclear whether the number of patient transportation that Ntombela found at the government garage during another operation, called ‘Operation Thoso’ will also be handed over on Tuesday. 

On the day she visited the government garage, she was impressed and content with that vehicles that she found, which were expected they will soon be rolled out to different regions to assist communities. While at the government garage, she reiterated the need to have more ambulances servicing the community. 

It also remains a mystery whether Members of the Executive Committee (MECs) of each department will receive new vehicles as in 2021 more than R7 million was spent for their vehicles.

ALSO READ: Free State's millions on luxurious vehicles slammed

The total number of vehicles that will be handed over is 304, which cost a total of R216 854 448,52. A portion of the vehicles will be handed to the department of Agriculture and Rural Development;  Cooperative Governance, Traditional Affairs and Human Settlements;  Education; Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism & Environmental Affairs;  Health; Police, Roads and Transport; Public Works & Infrastructure; Provincial Treasury; Social Development and the Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation.

ALSO READ: Free State Government promises opportunities, improvements

‘Operation Phetisa’ is not only an operation that will focus on handing over fleet, but an operation that seeks to improve and fast-track service delivery in the province. 

It is also explained that the launch of ‘Operation Phetisa’ will be a platform for government to showcase various delivery initiatives, and forms part of government’s response to tackling the triple challenge of unemployment, poverty and inequality. 

Various internship programmes of government as well as the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) implemented in all five district of the province will also be at the centre of this event.

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