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Local artist recognised internationally - PHOTO GALLERY

───   HEIDRÈ MALGAS 12:28 Wed, 03 Aug 2022

Local artist recognised internationally - PHOTO GALLERY | News Article
PHOTO: Supplied

An artist from Rouxville in the Free State, Vuyisile Adoons, has been passionate about art since he was 12 years old.

He draws inspiration from the way he grew up and through this, his art has been recognised internationally.

Adoons says he has painted professionally for almost six years and he draws his inspiration from his grandparents and the way they raised him. “It comes from the bowl I used to eat pap in and the fact that my grandfather used to milk cows,” he added.

“Most of my work consists of elderly people or young children who are being nurtured by the older people,” he said.

He said that his international clients started buying his art because they could relate to it. They had also grown up the way that he did and generally just loved the quality of his work.

Adoons also exhibits at Oliewenhuis and his work was featured in art magazines as well as on the cover of the annual report of the National Museum that gets presented to parliament.

He added that he sells his art nationally and internationally and noticed a big surge in his international clients, he sold his paintings in the USA, Europe, Australia, UAE, and South America, to name a few.

He mentioned that he still learns every day and his biggest dream is to one day have a solo exhibition in a big city like Cape Town or Johannesburg.

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