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Municipality 'indirectly responsible for water, sanitation problems'

───   13:19 Mon, 18 Jul 2022

Municipality 'indirectly responsible for water, sanitation problems' | News Article
IMAGE: municipalities.co.za

Water and sanitation problems at the Maluti-A-Phofung (MAP) municipality are indirectly due to poor financial management.

This is according to the Office of the Auditor-General, Odwa Duda, who said MAP Water has not been submitting financial statements, which affects service delivery as it complicates the allocation of funds. He explained that not submitting financial statements in time affects the government's budget allocation to assist MAP Water.

MAP Water spokesperson, Kelopiloe Mongake, confirmed to OFM News that the previous executives failed to submit their Annual Financial Statements. She said these statements have been outstanding since 2018.

OFM News previously reported that Residents of Alao, a new residential area at Harrismith in the Free State, are devastated as raw sewage is being dumped into the Wilge River.

OFM News/Mpho Mohapi

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