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#EXCLUSIVE: Over half a billion rand spent on four Free State stadiums - PART 1, PHOTO GALLERY

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 13:00 Mon, 27 Jun 2022

#EXCLUSIVE: Over half a billion rand spent on four Free State stadiums - PART 1, PHOTO GALLERY | News Article
PHOTO: Tshehla Koteli

An amount of more than R500 million was spent within the last 10 years on building and upgrading stadiums in the Free State.

The four stadiums in question were built with the budget of the provincial Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation.

The departmental spokesperson, Tankiso Zola, explained in a written response that the department was only responsible for the implementation of the four stadiums, namely the Dr Rantlai Petrus Molemela Stadium; the Fezile Dabi Stadium, the Sipho Mutsi Stadium, and the Charles Mopeli Stadium. However, maintenance lays within the responsibility of municipalities the stadiums fall under.

Dr Rantlai Petrus Molemela Stadium

The only stadium out of the four that was newly built was the Dr Rantlai Petrus Molemela Stadium in Bloemfontein, at a cost of R414 699 522. Although the stadium is often utilised for events more than sports, it remains unknown how much the Mangaung Metro Municipality spends on maintaining the stadium or how many times it gets utilised or booked. The metro had not replied to OFM News’ enquiry by the time of publishing.

WRAP: #EXCLUSIVE: Over half a billion rand spent on four Free State stadiums

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