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Ditsobotla mayor, speaker ousted in motion of no confidence

───   14:20 Fri, 17 Jun 2022

Ditsobotla mayor, speaker ousted in motion of no confidence | News Article
PHOTO: municipalities.co.za

The Mayor and Speaker of the Ditsobotla Local Municipality in Ngaka Modiri Molema in North West, have been ousted with motions of no confidence.

This resulted in confusion about who is running the municipality.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have tabled a motion of no confidence against speaker Mpho Lekaba, and the motion was supported, while mayor Mercy Mokgothu was ousted in a unanimous motion by the council.

Speaking to OFM News, EFF councillor Isaac Mongwenyana said they have tabled the motion of no confidence against speaker Lekaba in February, but she has been avoiding the issue at all costs during council sittings.

Residents in the area have expressed their grievances, citing that the municipality is failing to render services effectively. 

OFM News has learnt that municipal workers are picketing outside a known bank that handles the municipal account, and this has affected services at the bank as customers can't access it.

Resident Moleko Mosela says it is wrong for municipal affairs to affect the bank.

OFM News reliably understand that the council appointed an acting Municipal Manager on the 4th of June, however, mayor Mokgothu also appointed another person in the same position. This action led to the bank not knowing who was responsible for signing off municipal account invoices.

ANC North West Interim Provincial Committee (IPC) coordinator, Hlomani Chauke, told OFM News that this action is embarrassing and that the party condemns it. He said disciplinary actions will be taken against the councillors as they are not carrying out the mandate of the party.

"We will work with the region to ensure that we intervene, and to make sure that council's key focus remains to deliver services," said Chauke.

Chauke said residents cannot suffer while people fight to enrich themselves and forget they are elected to serve the community that elected them.

Lebogang Thebeyage has been elected as the new mayor and Kgosi Phakedi is the new speaker.

OFM News/Joba Matsheng & Olefile Vilakazi

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