Central SA
Concerns raised about rate of TB, HIV/AIDS in North West─── LUCKY NKUYANE 08:06 Sun, 12 Jun 2022

The Deputy Speaker of the North West Provincial Legislature (NWPL) has raised concern about challenges still faced by people living with HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis (TB) in the province.
According to Viola Motsumi, studies show that currently, both district municipalities of Bojanala and Dr Kenneth Kaunda in the province have the highest rate of TB infections.
Motsumi, who is the chairperson of the TB caucus in the province, said this during a meeting held with stakeholders of the caucus.
Motsumi has vowed to intensify education on TB.
TB is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis can spread from person to person through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes.
According to research conducted by the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC), South Africa is one of the 30 high-burden TB/HIV and Multi-Drug Resistant TB countries, contributing 87% of the estimated global TB burden, Motsumi adds.
South Africa is said to be one of eight countries accounting for two-thirds of the global TB burden and alone accounts for 3.3% of global TB cases.
“TB patients still suffer discrimination and stigma from members of the community, and we need to intensify awareness to contribute to the significant investment in the fight against TB.
“I believe that through an integrated effort by relevant stakeholders found in the TB caucus, which is a global concept cascading to the international, national and provincial level, lots of lives will be saved,” Motsumi further adds.