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Millions earmarked for road users’ claims

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 08:54 Wed, 08 Jun 2022

Millions earmarked for road users’ claims | News Article

Claims worth millions are yet to be paid out to road users in the Free State.

The information that the provincial Department of Police, Roads and Transport has received claims amounting to over R78 million was revealed by the department's MEC, William Bulwane. 

In a response to a written question by DA member of the National Council of Provinces, George Michalakis, it is stated that at least R1.8 million out of the R78 million has been paid. 

Michalakis says these are claims for damages to on motorists’ vehicles due to the condition of roads in the province.

ALSO READ: Millions spent on motorists’ claims

OFM News previously reported that the minister of Transport has revealed – in a response to Michalakis’ written questions - that the provincial Department has paid out at least R1.8 million in civil claims over the four previous financial years.

The R1.8 million in question is the one Bulwane has recently revealed is a portion that the department has paid.

Bulwane’s response included that the R78.8 million is due to the 562 claims they have received. Apart from the money of claims that the department has paid, there is an additional R15 million that they have paid due to legal costs on litigation.

ALSO READ: Millions spent on Free State roads

In a statement, Michalakis questions if the R78.8 million for road users’ claims could be used to maintain parts of the provincial road or rebuilt some of the roads. The department was put in the spotlight when questions around the Contractor Development Programme (CDP) started to mount.

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It was also revealed that the CDP companies are all at a different level of training and in some cases work on-site had to be stopped for technicians from the roads district authorities to assist.

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