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Central SA

Lights back on at government buildings

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 08:00 Fri, 03 Jun 2022

Lights back on at government buildings | News Article

Power has been restored to various government buildings in the Free State.

A source told OFM News that Bloemfontein's OR Tambo building that houses the office of the provincial premier, Sisi Ntombela together with Fidel Castro building, which is the headquarters of the provincial Department of Education were without electricity for two days.

The spokesperson for the provincial department of Public Works and Infrastructure, Mlu Maqubela, informed OFM News by late Thursday afternoon electricity was restored.

It is unclear why the electricity was cut off.

The provincial government previously entered into an agreement with the Mangaung Metro Municipality’s power utility, Centlec, that they will pay R90 million monthly to service their debt - which was in excess of R200 million at the time.

ALSO READ: Buildings to be left in the dark

OFM News previously reported that Centlec may again attempt to disconnect the power supply of customers that defaulted on paying for their services.

ALSO READ: Free State government officials in the dark

OR Tambo building was previously left in the dark for two days due to a technical problem. Centlec’s spokesperson, Lele Mamatu, stated the building was, at that time, powerless due to a breakdown of the substation that feeds the building electricity.

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