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R18m used for non-operational Free State stadium

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 15:35 Fri, 27 May 2022

R18m used for non-operational Free State stadium | News Article
MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta), Mxolisi Dukwana/PHOTO: Lucky Nkuyane

A staggering R18 million was coughed up for a project that was set to build a stadium in Van Stadensrus, situated in the cash strapped Mangaung Metro Municipality in the Free State.

This is according to the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, (Cogta) Mxolisi Dukwana.

A bitterly disappointed Dukwana says the failed project was uncovered during a receny visit to the town.

Dukwana adds that the stadium – currently - is not even worth R10 000, with only two poles being erected.

“There are some things we need to look at, as we engage in the discussions. We need to understand how do we create a social value as we go out and implement some of these things. In Europe and in the USA there is so much talk about focusing not only on financial value development but also the social value in these services,” he adds

Dukwana said this during the first day of the ANC’s Interim Provincial Committee (IPC) economic summit yesterday in Bloemfontein.

He lashed out at people who he says come in and pretended to be business people, who are not. On Thursday, Dukwana criticised the "slow pace" of economic transition in the province.

He said there has been much talk about changing the economic climate of the province, but no action taken to change the status quo.

"This is the time to build an inclusive local economy. We must enhance the power of communities, to create a resilient economy - and if we want to build on this, we need to develop trust to begin to realise the potential of creative industries and to also see how these creative industries begin to bring social cohesion in society - building some responsibility among members of communities moving forward," he added.

Dukwana says whilst busy building an inclusive economy involving residents, there is also a need to explain the importance of infrastructure - which could play a significant role in the development of society.

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