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NW: Portfolio committee excited about turnaround plan for municipalities

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 12:25 Tue, 17 May 2022

NW:  Portfolio committee excited about turnaround plan for municipalities | News Article

The portfolio committee for cooperative governance at the North West Provincial Legislature says they are satisfied with plans to turn municipalities in the province around.

Chairperson of the committee at the legislature, Aaron Motswana, says they are pleased with a presentation made by the department, despite many challenges overwhelming municipalities, including failing to adhere to municipal acts. 

He says they have since requested the department of cooperative governance to help municipalities who are at a state of collapse. 

Motswana says municipalities are not complying with the legislation which governs them and are also battling with issues, such as irregular expenditure amongst others.

“There is a high level of ill-discipline with people being suspended left, right and centre without following due processes.  There is also the appointment of senior managers as directors without proper procedures. We wanted to know how the department was going to intervene and react to non-compliance, and how the department was going to handle issues such as revenue enhancement." 

OFM News previously reported that the committee in the Legislature recently lashed out at the Ratlou Municipality for failing to take action against the Municipal Manager (MM), Chief Finance Officer (CFO), and the procurement officer for alleged corruption involving Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  amounting to R25 million.

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