Central SA
Hundreds of new police vehicles baking in the sun - PHOTOS─── CATHY DLODLO 11:48 Wed, 04 May 2022

Hundreds of brand new vehicles purchased for police stations across the Free State have been standing idle for up to a year, waiting to be dispersed.
During a visit by Police Minister Bheki Cele to the Free State this past weekend, residents were complaining about the shortage of police vehicles. The ministry then said, just days after, that about 177 vehicles that have been procured during the last financial year, are still standing at the provincial warehouse for new vehicles.
This information was revealed in an answer on a written question tabled in parliament by DA MP, George Michalakis. Some of the information indicates that vehicles were bought up to a year and three months ago. OFM News took footage and photos of hundreds of vehicles exposed to the elements, standing idle at the Bainsvlei Police Station in Bloemfontein.
According to the ministry, a total of eleven vehicles were bought for one of the biggest police stations in the province, Park Road in Bloemfontein.
The first five were bought in April 2021 and later another six were procured for the station. These vehicles have, however, not been delivered yet.
The second biggest purchase was seven police vehicles destined for Welkom, but also not delivered.
Also read: Free State police stations months without half their fleet
A vehicle for Arlington has been gathering dust for one year and three months without being delivered to the police station. Michalakis says the public is threatened by crime and violence on a daily basis, while the police are sitting on their hands because they don’t have resources to get to crime scenes on time. Police vehicles are, however, rusting away in a field.
He says the government is failing in its constitutional mandate to ensure the safety of civilians and is by implication part of the very cause of the high crime rate.