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Free State police stations months without half their fleet

───   CATHY DLODLO 11:02 Wed, 04 May 2022

Free State police stations months without half their fleet | News Article

Half of the fleet allocated to two police stations in the Free State have been standing idle waiting to be repaired.

According to an answer on a written question, 50% of the number of vehicles belonging to Hertzogville and Bultfontein have been in for repairs – sometimes for months on end. 

A total of ten police vehicles have been allocated to Hertzogville, but five have been out of action. One vehicle has been in for repairs for four months. At the Bultfontein police station, 9 of its fleet of 17 vehicles are waiting to be repaired. 

DA MP George Michalakis – who posed the question to the Police Ministry – says this issue should have been addressed years ago. He says there is not a single police station in this province where the reaction time is not affected by a lack of resources, often with fatal consequences. 

This information came to light just days after Police Minister Bheki Cele's visit to the province, during which residents complained about the lack of police vehicles.

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