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Central SA

Traffic officials to target townships, suburbs

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 10:06 Sat, 16 Apr 2022

Traffic officials to target townships, suburbs  | News Article

Free State traffic officials will patrol townships and suburbs across the province to keep a watchful eye on motorists.

According to the departmental Chief Director of Traffic Management, Lehana Leeto, motorists from these areas have a tendency of indulging in alcohol or drive unroadworthy vehicles, and then drive on national roads where they are likely to cause road accidents. Leeto says the law will be enforced without any fear, contradiction or favours. 

ALSO READ: Over 500 traffic officials deployed on Free State roads

Leeto has also further cautioned his fellow colleagues about taking bribes and says the law will be harsh on their side if they are caught indulging in corruption.

"We are working with the Department of Home Affairs and police. Anything that is against the law will not be tolerated," he adds.

Leeto previously said the department has deployed a total of 538 traffic officials and will also receive a complement of 18 officials from the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC).  

Leeto said these officials will also be complemented by members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) who will be deployed across major roads of the province. Leeto added that 233 department vehicles and 18 vehicles from the RTMC will also be deployed to patrol the roads across the province.

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