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Former Northern Cape MEC to be laid to rest

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 11:42 Sat, 02 Apr 2022

Former Northern Cape MEC to be laid to rest | News Article
The late former Northern Cape MEC for Health, Mxolisi Sokatsha.

Former Northern Cape MEC for Health, Mxolisi Sokatsha, is being laid to rest on Saturday morning in his hometown.

Sokatsha, who died during a fatal crash on the N12 between Hopetown and Belmont, is buried in Richmond, in the Pixley Ka Seme region.

During the accident, two people also lost their lives, with other passengers being admitted to hospital.

ANC leaders, including ANC National Executive Committee (NEC) member Pemmy Majodina, had earlier visited the Sokatsha homestead to pay their respects.

Sokatsha's memorial services were held on Wednesday in Kimberley, and on Thursday in Richmond respectively.

Sokatsha served in the Portfolio Committee of Health since 2019. 

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The SABC recently quoted ANC Member of Parliament (MP) and caucus spokesperson Nomfanelo Kota, who said "the ANC caucus has lost a revolutionary giant who became the first mayor in Richmond in post-apartheid South Africa between 1994 and 1996, and through his deeds comrade Sokatsha was a dedicated member of our caucus serving in the portfolio of health since 2019. Caucus extends its heartfelt condolences to his family and children at this time of devastating loss in their lives".

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