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Destea to offer Free State youth employment opportunities

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 09:07 Sat, 26 Mar 2022

Destea to offer Free State youth employment opportunities | News Article
The transformation of public service remains the department's biggest priority in order to rejuvenate it and infuse it with a new work ethic. PHOTO: Screenshot/Free State Legislature (Facebook).

The Department of Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (Destea) in the Free State has vowed to offer youth employment opportunities across the province.

This is according to MEC Makalo Mohale when he tabled his departmental budget for 2022/23 at the Free State Legislature's sitting in the Fourth Raadsaal on Friday. 

Mohale said that his department has made provision for 30 new internship opportunities for newly qualified, young graduates so that they can have a fair chance of competing in the robust job market. 

ALSO READ: FS Destea reviewing Business Act

He said the department's state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have been under scrutiny for the longest time, with many questioning the validity of their efficiency.

“We also appreciate the importance of training and building the new layer of public servants for the future, and our internship opportunities will continue. And in the current financial year we’ll take no less than 30 young stars," adds Mohale.

He further added that the transformation of public service remains the department's biggest priority in order to rejuvenate it and infuse it with a new work ethic. 

Mohale concluded that the department will attempt to appoint young people and women who are in line with their equity targets.

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