Central SA
Mangaung cuts Free State government's water supply─── TSHEHLA KOTELI 12:22 Fri, 11 Mar 2022

The Mangaung Metro Municipality (MMM) has embarked on a journey to recover R8 billion in debt for water supply, owed to it by different provincial departments in Bloemfontein.
According to Mangaung’s official Facebook page, the first building affected was the Free State Provincial Government’s headquarters, OR Tambo House, which houses the Office of the Premier, Sisi Ntombela. Water supply to that building has been restricted owing to R1 billion in debt.
This comes after the metro’s power utility, Centlec, abandoned threats to cut power at government buildings after "fruitful talks". The deal stated that the provincial government will pay R90 million monthly in order to settle their debt amounting to over R200 million.
Read more: Centlec abandons power outage threats after fruitful talks
The Performing Arts Centre of the Free State (Pacofs), together with the Free State Department of Police, Roads and Transport, had their water disconnected due to non-payment.
OFM News has sent an enquiry to the entities who had their services disconnected to find out when payments will be made.
OFM News/Corn Koteli