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Parly to probe stalled upgrades at Park Road Police Station

───   OLEBOGENG MOTSE 13:57 Fri, 25 Feb 2022

Parly to probe stalled upgrades at Park Road Police Station | News Article

The stalled multi-million rand upgrade of the Park Road Police Station in Bloemfontein will now be subject to a probe in parliament.

The Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, as well as Public Works and Infrastructure in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), will investigate the alleged R48 million the State has paid to at least three different contractors who have since been dismissed for poor performance on the project – which started in 2017. 

The DA spokesperson on Security and Justice in the NCOP, George Michalakis, says they have further submitted questions to the Public Works Minister, Patricia de Lille, demanding answers as to when the project will finally be completed and what efforts are underway to recoup the alleged funds lost.

READ MORE - Exclusive: Park Road mum on stalled construction

In 2019, OFM News wrote that the intention of the project was to overhaul, modernise and expand one of the busiest police stations in the country to the tune of R82 million. The National Department of Public Works’ spokesperson, Zara Nicholson, told OFM News at the time that a Johannesburg-based construction company was responsible for the initial halt and vowed that a new one would be appointed soon with the completion date set for 19 November 2019.  

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