Central SA
#MatricResults2021: Eunice achieves 100% pass rate 36th year running─── BLAINE JONES 10:17 Fri, 21 Jan 2022

The Eunice School for Girls in Bloemfontein achieved a 100% matric pass rate for the 36th year in a row.
Eunice's Deputy Headmistress, Jackie Botma, tells OFM News that she is exceptionally proud and elated this morning about the school's outstanding 2021 matric results. Botma says the school has a 100% pass rate for the 36th year running and a 99% bachelor's pass.
"The big question to ask is what makes the 2021 group of Grade 12s such an outstanding, superb group of learners? And firstly I have to commend them, because they had two difficult years during lockdown, and Covid-19 impacted these learners directly," says Botma.
"Much of their learning took place online, yet they persevered, they drove themselves and they did not give up. It would not be fair if we don't give them a lot of the credit, [they should] take ownership for their own learning and they remained accountable for these magnificent results.
"To add to that, I have to congratulate, and all of us at school have to congratulate the Grade 12 educators who went above and beyond their duty to make sure they walked alongside these Grade 12s and supported them at all times - day and night - to achieve their best and their full potential. Not only the Grade 12 educators should be credited, but every single one of the Eunice High School educators who taught these girls from Grade 8 through to Grade 12.
"We salute you and we are exceptionally proud of you," says Botma.
OFM News