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Rain caused infrastructure damage: Bloem Water

───   16:20 Fri, 14 Jan 2022

Rain caused infrastructure damage: Bloem Water | News Article

An urgent meeting was called on Friday by Bloem Water.

Unhappy citizens gathered at the entrance, demanding answers from the municipality and Bloem Water.

Maruping Rapudungoane, Executive Operations and Maintenance, was the speaker at this meeting.

The unusually high rainfall experienced of late has caused significant infrastructure damage and had a negative impact on the water network.

Debris as well as power failure issues, further complicated the proses of normal water flow.

Bloem Water has given residents the assurance that there are no infrastructure backlogs.

According to Rapudungoane, most residents have complained about only having water in the morning or late evening, but not throughout the day.

Bloem Water has stated that they might implement "water loadshedding" to increase waterflow between 05h00-07h00 and 17h00-19h00 until the situation has improved.

However, this has been trailed, and residents living at the higher levels of Pellissier has not received any water even with this plan being implemented.

Statement supplied.

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