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Standstill at parts of Pelonomi continues - VIDEO

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 15:40 Thu, 09 Dec 2021

Standstill at parts of Pelonomi continues - VIDEO | News Article
PHOTO: Corn Koteli

The Heidedal Policlinic, which is situated inside the premises of the Pelonomi Hospital, is still not operating due to the continuous strike of the hospital workers.

A group of workers who have downed tools, commenced with their strike on Wednesday. The strike has caused an interruption in some areas of the hospital. The Free State Department of Health's spokesperson, Mondli Mvambi, previously said the strike will put the lives of the patients at risk.

The activities of the Heidedal Policlinic inside the hospital were disrupted yesterday as the staff had to close due to the intimidation by people who identified themselves as Nehawu members. Other parts of the hospital, such as Trauma-Casualties at the main hospital, as well as other clinical areas, are negatively affected, including the Antenatal and Postnatal areas.

Mvambi added that at the moment, the workers must return to work as the department is attending to some of their grievances with due process being followed.

On Wednesday 8 December a large group of workers gathered inside the hospital to demonstrate their anger and frustration with what they describe as a failed system when it comes to addressing their grievances the past few years.

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