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UFS council approves #Covid19 vaccination policy for 2022

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 12:00 Sun, 28 Nov 2021

UFS council approves #Covid19 vaccination policy for 2022 | News Article

The Council of the University of the Free State (UFS) has approved a vaccination policy for the institution as students and staff are to return to all three of its campuses next year.

The policy indicates that the university does not force anyone to be vaccinated, however, the institution has the right to require proof of vaccination from anyone who wishes to access its campuses. 

Those who are not vaccinated will have to apply for an exemption and produce proof of the approved exemption, or a SARS Covid-19 PCR negative test result that is not older than a week, in order to gain access to the campuses.

According to a statement by UFS, "Employee and Student Vaccination Exemption Committees will evaluate applications for exemption. These committees will operate independently, and will include medical, religious, legal and psychology experts.

"The vaccination policy is aimed at restricting campus access to vaccinated persons, while at the same time considering applications for exemption based on medical and religious grounds, natural immunity objections, other legally acceptable exemptions, or those participating in clinical trials approved by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). 

"In order to gain access, vaccinated persons will be required to upload their vaccination certificates on an electronic platform to obtain access to campus. Staff, ad hoc contract workers, and students who are not vaccinated, who do not have an approved exemption or deferral, and who do not have a SARS Covid-19 PCR negative result that is not older than a week, will not be allowed access to the campuses or facilities. Only vaccinated students will be allowed to access on-campus accommodation.

"Students who are not vaccinated by 14 February 2022, will not be prevented from registering for the academic year, but can only access the campus if vaccinated or granted an exemption."

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