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Human remains found at Botanical Gardens

───   12:25 Thu, 11 Nov 2021

Human remains found at Botanical Gardens | News Article

The unidentified human remains that have been found in a remote area of the Botanical Gardens worry the management as the area is not frequented by ordinary visitors.

According to the director of Marketing, Communication and Commercialisation at the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), Nontsikelelo Mpulo, workers were conducting routine plant clearing when they made the discovery of the human remains, together with clothes, about 500 meters from the N1. A case has been opened with the police and investigations are underway.

Mpulo said the garden’s management was alerted by the workers, which led to police and forensic pathologists being called to the scene. The police had to call the Mangaung Metro Fire and Rescue team to remove the remains as they were on a very difficult part of the hill to be reached. The remains were removed by investigators for analysis, however, it appears they have been in the garden for a while. SANBI is co-operating with the police and investigators to determine the origins of the remains and how they came to be in the gardens.


OFM News/Corn Koteli

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