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Mangaung #Covid19 vaccination pop-up is up and running

───   OLEBOGENG MOTSE 12:23 Sat, 21 Aug 2021

Mangaung #Covid19 vaccination pop-up is up and running | News Article

The Covid-19 vaccination pop-up taking place at the popular KLaK Food Court and Car Wash in Bloemfontein is up and running this Saturday.

Free State Health MEC, Montseng Tsiu, and head of the department, Godfrey Mahlatsi, is doing an inspection visit.

The inspection visit forms part of the department’s efforts to intensify the vaccination campaign following the commencement of the 3rd phase of the national rollout. 

This latest phase has greenlit South Africans between 18 and 34-years-old to receive their jabs. 

Navalsig resident, Annevelle Hoffmeester, came all the way from her home to receive the jab.

“I feel great and I feel fine. The process here was smooth and everyone was welcoming. It hardly took five minutes and I was done,” Hoffmeester told the OFM News team.

Word on the ground is that there will be a second pop-up in Phase 3 township on Saturday and expectations are that 300 jabs will be administered at the pop-ups for the day. 

The vaccination drive comes amidst rising Covid-19 cases in Free State schools, the majority of which are in the capital city. In addition to infections reported at the Dr Blok, Heide Primary, Grey College and Willem Postma Schools, Winburg Combined School has also reported rising Covid-19 cases to the concern of teacher’s unions.

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