Central SA
Bfn family suffers without electricity, sanitation─── LUCKY NKUYANE 14:24 Wed, 28 Jul 2021

A Bloemfontein family near the Caleb Motshabi informal settlement in the Free State say they are subjected to a water and sanitation crisis.
The 58-year-old Mamokete Segalo, who walks with the help of crutches, and her 71-year-old relative are desperately in need of help as they also struggle without electricty. Segalo, who lives with the 71-year-old relative who was married to her late uncle, as well as her daughter and four grandchildren, were allegedly dumped in that area by a councillor in 2020, who explained it as being a temporary measure. Segalo says since then, she has never laid eyes on the councillor or any government official again.
An emotional Segalo, who has difficulty walking due to a gunshot wound she allegedly sustained whilst working on a farm in the Free State, has described their lives in that area as a living hell. To make matters worse, one of her grandchildren suffers from epilepsy.
After a visit by OFM News, it can be confirmed that their shanty has no electricity, no toilet and are forced to share an outside water tap with nine other families who were victims of earlier flooding at Caleb Motshabi. Segalo says they are all relying on their older relative's social grant to survive.
She says their living conditions are deteriorating each day, and they have made numerous pleas with officials but to no avail.
"I am tired, there is not any other place to go to now. If they at least left us here in this area with electricity... because currently I have a child who suffers from epilepsy and if the child collapses, [the child] needs to be covered with cold towels to wake up.
"Sometimes it's difficult, because we have to buy ice cubes from local shops. Other times we ask [people in the neighbouring area] to help us out and put towels inside their freezers, but then they expect us to buy electricity. They [are not always home] and then you have to spend more and buy ice cubes.
"I am not sure if we should continue to live like this. I don't know how to live anymore. Let them give us sites in the very same area [we came from]. Even if they take us out here, who is going to transport us from here? Where am I going to get money from," she asks.
READ: Ntombela visits displaced families
After localised flooding in January 2020, Free State Premier Sisi Ntombela - during a visit to the area - highlighted that the then Executive Mayor of Mangaung Metro Municipality, Olly Mlamleli, and Cogta MEC, Thembeni Nxangisa, were particularly working on long-term measures that could be implemented to ensure that informal settlement dwellers are moved to safer, developed areas. OFM News sent enquiries regarding this to the Premier's Office and is awaiting a response.
OFM News/Lucky Nkuyane, Olebogeng Motse, and Kekeletso Mosebetsi