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#Covid19 vaccinations: Premier commends FS government officials

───   08:13 Thu, 22 Jul 2021

#Covid19 vaccinations: Premier commends FS government officials | News Article
PHOTO: Video Screenshot

The Free State Premier Sisi Ntombela has applauded her colleagues for the hard work that they have done in ensuring that many people are vaccinated in the province.

This after she was not able to show up at the vaccination programme of Correctional Services officials and offenders at the Grootvlei correctional facility in Bloemfontein.

Ntombela was unable to join Free State Health MEC, Montseng Tsiu, and the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) commissioner, Subashini Moodley, in launching the vaccination programme at the Grootvlei correctional facility on Wednesday 21 July 2021. 

In the statement that she released on her Facebook page (Sefora Ntombela), she also stated that the Free State province has not been spared the devastation of the Covid-19 third wave. However, efforts to curb the spread of the disease has been successful due to the intensive vaccination programme within the province. "Today was one of the many steps we are embarking on to realise this vision. We are already at an advanced stage in vaccinating citizens of our province. This latest leg of the vaccination programme puts us well on our way to achieving herd immunity," said Ntombela.

She commended the Health Department, led by Tsiu, for saving lives.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi

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