Central SA
Man convicted for smuggling cigarettes─── KATLEHO MORAPELA 06:54 Wed, 07 Jul 2021

A truck driver arrested in North West with illicit cigarettes worth nearly R5 million has been convicted by the Zeerust Magistrate’s Court.
Petrus Toppies was driving from Zambia to South Africa on 8 June when he was stopped and arrested at the Kopfontein border post. OFM News last month reported that the truck he was driving was searched and 355 master cases of illicit cigarettes worth over R4.8 million were found.
The 53-year-old initially told the police he was transporting liquid molasses for cows, but upon investigation, the Pacific Blue cigarettes were discovered.
Police spokesperson, Sam Tselanyane, said the driver was immediately arrested and the liquid molasses were drained as it is not suitable for use in South Africa.
The Hawks in the North West now confirm Toppies has been found guilty for contravention of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964.
"He was arrested and the matter was investigated by the Hawks' Serious Commercial Crime Investigation unit. He made a series of court appearances until he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a fine of R100 000 or twelve months imprisonment and a further three years imprisonment which were suspended for five years," said the Hawk's Tlangelani Rikhotso.
OFM News