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Business owners reeling from effects of Winburg protests

───   12:02 Mon, 19 Apr 2021

Business owners reeling from effects of Winburg protests | News Article
PHOTO: Lucky Nkuyane

Small business owners in Makeleketla at Winburg in the Free State are reeling from the effects caused by the sporadic violent protests.

A small business owner of SU supermarket, Rubel Islam, tells OFM News that since the eruption of the protests last week Friday, at least 13 businesses in the area have been looted and damaged. He says during the looting, stock estimated to the value of R2 million was stolen from the 13 different businesses. He bemoans the lack of security around their businesses. Islam has made a plea to the government to ensure their businesses are protected during the protests.

He adds every year when there's a protest in the area, business owners, particularly foreign business owners, lose much of their stock due to the protests. Islam says last week Friday, three shops were looted and Saturday ten more suffered the same fate. 

Police are currently maintaining a strong presence within the area. OFM News is presently on the scene in the area following up on the situation.

OFM News/Blaine Jones, Kekeletso Mosebetsi and Lucky Nkuyane

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