Central SA
FS trio convicted for kidnapping, drugs─── 11:09 Sat, 30 Jan 2021

The case against Mohasoa Moleboheng (29), Innocent Kompi (31) and Napo Mahasoa (33) has been postponed to February 22 for sentencing.
Free State Hawks spokesperson, Christopher Singo, says Moleboheng, a former police official, and his co-accused were found guilty of kidnapping and attempted drug dealing.
“Their conviction emanates from an incident which took place in November 2016, where the trio coerced their victim to assist them in manufacturing drugs. The victim, a chemistry student at the University of Free State, later reported the matter to the police after he escaped from the house where he had been kept against his will,” says Singo.
In a statement supplied by the Hawks, Singo says a search and seizure was conducted by the Hawks Serious Commercial Crime Investigation team at the premises where the victim was held.
The three men were arrested at the premises for kidnapping and possession of drugs, which were found concealed in a safe.
OFM News/Blaine Jones