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Sol Plaatje municipal workers to receive salary increment

───   KATLEHO MORAPELA 12:45 Thu, 15 Oct 2020

Sol Plaatje municipal workers to receive salary increment | News Article

Municipal workers at the Sol Plaatje Local Municipality in the Northern Cape can expect a 6.25% salary increase as of November.

This, after the municipality, together with the South African Municipal Workers’ Union, have finally reached an agreement. Workers at the municipality downed tools over a week ago over salaries, non-payment of overtime work, permanent employment of employees on contract, as well as nepotism and corruption allegations. 

SAMWU's Northern Cape Provincial Secretary, Lawrence Fernie, says they are pleased their engagements with the municipality has resulted in an agreement that would see workers, including contract workers receiving their 6.25% salary increase as of November. He says they regard this as a huge victory for workers at the Sol Plaatje Local Municipality as they embarked on a protest action following a variety of grievances, which were not attended to by the municipality.

He added that all outstanding overtime pay for the period November and December 2019 will be paid in full, immediately.

Fernie highlighted that parties recognise that some employees were officially recalled by the municipality during the hard lockdown period, which exposed them to danger. As a result, employees who worked during this period ought to receive a danger/risk allowance.

"The municipality has a lot of workers who are on contract, this despite the fact that legislation has been changed in favour of contract workers to be converted to permanent employment. Parties have agreed that payment of night shift allowance, overtime and long service bonuses be deferred to the LLF for full submission with details while the long service allowance will be dealt with administratively through the office of Director Corporate Services," said Fernie.

He says issues pertaining to danger allowances, nepotism and the ghost employee alleged to be related to a senior manager will further be discussed at their next meeting on October 27.

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