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#CoronavirusNW: Deputy President heads to NW

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 06:36 Fri, 12 Jun 2020

#CoronavirusNW: Deputy President heads to NW  | News Article
Deputy President David Mabuza

The rapid increase in novel coronavirus infections and the response to the virus by the North West Covid-19 Command Council, is expected to be at the centre of focus during Deputy President David Mabuza's visit to the province on Friday.

According to the National Institute of Communicable Diseases'(NICD) statistics, the province saw a shocking increase in the number of positive cases. 

This, as over 266 miners from four mines, including Sibanye Stillwater and Harmony Gold, among others, tested positive for the virus in just 7 days. 

This led to an overwhelming increase in the number of cases in the province. Mabuza is expected to be joined by Premier Job Mokgoro. 

The pair is also expected to visit facilities that are operational during level 3 of the lockdown, to ensure there is adherence to regulations to minimise the spread of the virus.

Mabuza's visit to the province comes amidst suggestions that two municipalities - Rustenburg and Matlosana - should be pushed back to level four restrictions. 

OFM News previously reported that the said municipalities had over 100 miners testing positive for Covid-19 within 3 days. So far the province has about 652 active cases after 104 recoveries and one death was recorded from a total of 757 reported cases. 

Mabuza's second visit to Central South Africa follows in the wake of his visit to the Free State, where he expressed confidence on the collective leadership in the province to deal with Covid-19.

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