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#SchoolsReopening: Damage to NC schools not yet determined

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 11:19 Tue, 09 Jun 2020

#SchoolsReopening: Damage to NC schools not yet determined | News Article

The extent of the damage to 91 vandalised schools in the Northern Cape must yet be determined as thousands of Grade 12 and 7 pupils return to schools.

The Department of Education spokesperson in the province, Lehuma Ntuane, says it's still early days to say exactly how much the repair and replacement costs would be. He, however, says the schools have been encouraged to use their yearly budget maintenance funds paid by the department for repairs and replacement. The repairs or replacement of items in these schools across the province include equipment such as laptops, computers and science apparatus, amongst others. The schools further reported broken doors, windows etc. during the vandalism, which include theft during the national lockdown amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

Ntuane says the reported damages to these schools across the province are not major, which would usually force the department to get involved.

He, however, says given the fact that the damages include water and sanitation issues, the situation leaves the provincial department with no choice but to get involved.

He further again expresses that no Covid-19 related incident was reported during the reopening of schools across the province yesterday. In April 2020 burglars were caught red-handed by South African Police Services (SAPS) members attempting to break into Upington High School.

It's not yet known as to how many arrests have been made in the province in relation to the vandalism and theft at these schools.

Meanwhile, on Monday OFM News reported that at least 543 schools in the province reopened on Monday after more than two months of closure due to the outbreak of Covid-19. The Department of Education said 19 schools in the area of Umsobomvu and Renosterberg Municipalities which are both in the Pixley Ka Seme District municipality with over 40 cases, were not opened on Monday due to the high rate of infection. A total of 556 schools in the province were declared ready for the first phase of the returning of pupils.

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