Central SA
#SchoolsReopening: 19 NC schools yet to reopen─── LUCKY NKUYANE 13:04 Mon, 08 Jun 2020

At least 543 schools in the Northern Cape opened their gates for Grade 12 and 7 pupils on Monday after being closed more than two months ago due to the outbreak of coronavirus in South Africa.
The Department of Education in the province says 19 schools in the area of the Umsobomvu and Renosterberg Municipalities, which are both in the Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality, did not open today due to the high rate of infection in the area, having 42 cases. The national Education Director-General, Mathanzima Mweli, on Sunday announced that 556 schools in the province were declared ready for the first phase of reopening for these pupils.
Mweli, however, said some still needed to complete the department's orientation before and during the reopening of schools. Meanwhile, the province's Premier Zamani Saul this morning visited schools across the province to ensure that Covid-19 regulations were adhered to.
The school reopening follows a deliberation by the national department and different stakeholders after the initial plan to reopen school were met with harsh criticism from different sectors within South Africa.
Yesterday, however, the Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga announced that over 90% of schools across the country were ready to reopen their gates to 1,6 million pupils, which is 13,4% of the 13,1 million pupils in the country.
So far the province has 72 active cases of Covid-19 after 41 patients recovered from the virus, and one death was recorded from 114 reported cases.
"The Provincial Covid-19 Command Council will closely monitor the situation in those areas and make an assessment before schools reopen. We are once again appealing to learners and educators to comply with the Covid-19 safety protocols," the department adds.
School pupils have been encouraged to maintain social distancing, wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitiser and always wear a cloth mask.
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