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#Coronavirus: FS traffic officials out in full force during quiet Easter

───   OLEBOGENG MOTSE 11:18 Fri, 10 Apr 2020

#Coronavirus: FS traffic officials out in full force during quiet Easter | News Article
Police, Roads and Transport MEC, Sam Mashinini

The officials from the Free State Police Roads and Transport Department will be out in full force over the quiet Easter period, to ensure lockdown regulations are adhered to.

The Easter period is known for high traffic volumes as South Africans travel to different parts of the country. However with the country’s lockdown extended by a further two weeks amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, things couldn’t be more different this year. 

Police, Roads and Transport MEC, Sam Mashinini, stresses the importance of limiting unnecessary travel and urges the taxi industry and commuters to place the gains and sacrifices made thus far in curbing the outbreak in the country ahead of potential profits.

South Africa has recorded 1934 cases of the Coronavirus in the country and 18 deaths from complications affiliated with the disease. Of that number 93 of the cases are located in Mashinini’s Free State province.  

Mashinini says complacency will reverse all the gains made and urges all residents to abide by the regulations.

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