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Bloemfontein Zoo animals doing well in new homes

───   OLEBOGENG MOTSE 07:06 Fri, 27 Mar 2020

Bloemfontein Zoo animals doing well in new homes | News Article

The Free State department that tag-teamed with the SPCA to rescue over 40 animals from the Bloemfontein Zoo earlier this month has revealed the animals are doing well at their new homes.

The OFM News team spoke to Chief Director for Environmental Management at the Department of Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (DESTEA), Nozi Nkoe, who says the department is happy with the relocation of all the animals aside from the buffaloes and are satisfied with their progress. Nkoe stresses the department is continuing to provide support to the animal sanctuaries that are housing the rescues and will closely monitor their development over time.

In a statement, the SPCA has indicated that all animals aside from the buffaloes have been accommodated by organisations like the Love, Lions, Alive Project, Four Paws South Africa’s Lionsrock Sanctuary, and Humane Society International Africa among many others. Nkoe explains the buffaloes are yet to find a new home, because they are still undergoing extensive testing for illnesses like Tuberculosis and Bovine Brucellosis by veterinary doctors at Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary who helped the department and the SPCA in assessing and treating the animals.

The Love, Lions, Alive Project, which has taken four big cats, has released a statement weighing in on the relocation of the animals adding they have “made alterations to existing enclosures to save the cats”, promising to create permanent homes over time.

According to Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary 30 of the animals are indigenous animals while 11 others are exotic species.

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